Message: 58045 From: Karen Received: Sun Aug 14, 2005 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Abraham-Hicks] What it FEELS like to BE A MILLIONAIRE!
Hi CJ and everyone!
What does it feel like to be a millionaire?
I love reading what others would do with their millions, and believe me, I have
my lists too. But I too felt that your question was more about how being rich
would feeeeeel.
So I decided to ask my old friend London Marriot (He's very enlightened and
unimaginably wealthy) what it feels like to live his life. This is what he
It feels great. Of course it feels great. How could having money feel anything
but great. Oh I don't mean to imply that it solves all of life's problems, but
it certainly takes the pressure off many of them.
Such as I never worry about how things are going to get done. I just know that
they will get done. I never think about how much anything costs. What a waste
of time. If I want it, I can have it. It's pretty simple.
I don't tend to spend money just to be spending it either, that's for those
newbie millionaires. Buying stuff just to prove who has the most money, who can
wear the most gawdy jewelry. I don't have to own the finest penthouse overly
decorated in gold to feel good about myself. While those things are just fine
for others, I don't feel any need to prove I have money, it's nobodies business
but mine and I really don't care what other people think. I completely
understand their motivation and more power to them, but it's not necessary for
me to feel good about myself.
I never worry about losing my wealth. I mean I know that sometimes happens to
people. They will make and lose millions over and over. I don't see the sense
in that. I never think about those kind of "what if" situations. I appreciate
my wealth, why would I even think about losing it? I know I've always been able
to make money and that is something about me that can't be taken away.
I love the feel, taste, look and smell of quality, so I don't bother with
anything that isn't. I don't mean to sound snobbish here but I can honestly say
I've never set foot in a Walmart. Don't even know if there's one near me. Not
that I wouldn't, it might be a fun adventure. Maybe I'd find out what everyone
is so enamored with old Sam Walton. Gotta give him credit, he turned a small
store into an empire. Gotta give him that!
I've always just had a knack for increasing my wealth. I've got an eye for it,
I've never had to work hard. Actually I enjoy what I do so much I don't ever
think of it as work. For me it's play. Always has been. I get up in the
morning and go play. I don't have anyone telling me where or when, it's my game
and I love it. The money just keeps multiplying and multiplying, it always has.
I'm not even sure what my net worth is, it doesn't matter. You get to a point
where it's too much to comprehend, so you don't bother.
I've never have to think about any of the financial stuff, taxes, paying bills,
investment accounts, etc. I haven't written a check in years. I have a large
team of carefully chosen professionals who handle all of that for me and I pay
them well. I trust them completely, I just sign the papers when I need to and
they take care of me and protect me. I deeply respect their expertise and I go
out of my way to let them know I appreciate them. Actually I love those guys,
everyone of them. They treat my wealth as if they were protecting their own and
actually they are because I believe in sharing my wealth with those who support
me in it. They protect me, they protect themselves.
I respect all the people who work for me. They are like family, and in every
case they've been with me for a while. They're great, they know my tastes and
I'm pretty open. Communication is a two way street, they know if they need to
talk to me, I'll make myself available to them and that I'll listen. It's all
about respect.
I have a few credit cards. But I use one for most everything. I have one
specifically for really big purchases, that I use occasionally too. Then I
don't have to worry about saving receipts. I have no idea what the credit
limits are on the cards. I'm sure I could probably max them out (?) if I tried
but what would be the point of that. My accountant has known me long enough to
figure out how much I might need and I'm sure the cards have limits well over
what that amount is. Truth is, I've never really thought about it. In all my
travels, purchases, etc. it's never been an issue.
I tend to keep a certain amount of cash tucked in my wallet for security, but I
rarely ever use it. It's for situations where only cash will do, but they are
rare. Cash just isn't necessary for the most part anymore. The idea of walking
around with a big roll of bills is silly to me, I don't need it and it would
obstruct the line of my pants. If I need cash I just call my accountant or I
stop at a bank.
I admit a few times in my life, I've seen someone who touched me, a waitress who
in spite of a horrible boss/work situation gives great service with a sweet
smile, a stranger who goes out of their way to do something kind, a guy on the
street who's twinkle in his eye overwhelms the hunger on his face. When I see
something special like that in someone I like to slip a nice bill out of my
wallet and leave it with them somehow. Sometimes I have to just pass it to
them, but I try to do it so they won't know who left it, I enjoy thinking about
their faces when they find the bill.
If I see something I really want, something that just vibrates with me, I buy
it. I don't worry about paying too much or getting a good deal. When you're
rich, people tend to give you things for free all the time. Everywhere you go,
people are handing you "bling bags". I figure sometimes I may overpay for
something and then I turn around and get something else for free. It all
balances out in the end, why should I worry about it?
I have a few of houses, but I can only live in one at a time, so they set empty
most of the time. I loan them out to friends for vacations and business. I let
the housekeepers know where I'll be and when (within reason) and they know how
to stock the house/kitchen/bar. I love good food. I like to cook sometimes.
I'm like everyone else, I let the housekeeper know what I want for dinner, or I
order out or I go to a restaurant. It's all good.
I don't walk around all day thinking about being wealthy. It's like air to me
or health, it's just mine. I don't feel like my wealth makes me better or less
than anyone else. It would be a pretty silly gauge of a persons worth to judge
them by what's in their bank account instead of what's in their heart. I see a
lot of not so genuine people, but I see a lot of really great people too. Money
doesn't have anything to do with it.
I also don't feel like having money obligates me to spend it supporting
charitable endeavors. I get invited to a ridiculous amount of fundraisers and I
never go to any of them. Why would I want to put myself through hours of
charity smiles, over cooked food and horror stories? Gives me chills just to
think about it.
It's all choices anyway, everyone could be wealthy if they wanted it and allowed
it. I give money to programs, people, ideas that really light me up. I love
supporting ingenuity and resourcefulness. There's nothing better than being
able to give anything I want to something that touches my heart in a special
way. It's such a rush.
Well and my family. Of course my family is all completely taken care of, they
always have been, that's a given.
I don't know if I've answered your question. I know you wanted a more "feeling"
type answer, but honestly, what do you want me to say, it feels good. I mean
how could money feel anything but good. There's no such thing as bad money.
It's all just money.
What I buy feels good, for a while. What I give away feels good, for a while.
Making more money feels good, for a while. Offering financial security to my
employees feels good, for a while. But then it's always off to the newest "what
feels good". It's all about enjoying it and then moving on to the next grand
adventure. Isn't that what life is all about?
Love you Karen, see you soon.
For those of you who are not aware of my friendship with London Marriott, I
first wrote about him on July 16th post # 57047.
[*(I’m going to call him London Marriott, nobody truly knows where his money
comes from he’s just comprehensibly wealthy, it flows to him unendingly.
Whatever activities he fills his days with doesn’t look like work to the rest of
us, in fact if it felt like work to him, he wouldn’t do it for a minute! You get
to decide for yourself what he looks like, how old he is and if he’s ever made a
questionable video. He’s my new role model for wealth.)]
Love and blessings to all,
Special K