Re: Did fasting damage your organs?
I agree with the jist of your post pawel110.
The mainstream medical monopoly, which has been in existence since the turn of the century, and instigated by the Rockefellers/Carnegies, was brought about the suppression of alt/comp' health care via the flexner report.
From this moment onwards the only valid system of "healthcare" favoured the germ theory of disease, and therefore the promotion of pharmaceuticals from the sale & and profits of drug marketing in treating disease.
This brainwashing of the medical paradigm means that the medical establishment is ignorant of most other forms of health care.
Why anyone should trust the literature of any mainstream opinion (in this case fasting)is just amazing.
The very real health benefits of fasting are only to be found with the qualified practitioners, who conducted this natural process on their patients, with mostly outstanding results in the recovery from disease and the continued maintenance of good health.
Research should be directed to the works of........
Dr H M Shelton
Dr L B Hazzard
Dr R T Trall
Dr Tilden
Dr C Page MD.
Robert Walter MD.
Isaac Jennings MD.
Sylvester Graham
James C Jackson MD.
Felix Oswald MD.
Arnold DeVries
Paul Bragg
and in the present day.............
Dr K Sidhwa
Dr Joel Fuhrman
plus many many others.