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about the job thing
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about the job thing

He doesnt think he is wrong. He is getting his tax return back, and he says "as long as I have money for the bills whats the problem?"
BUt he doesnt really have money, we never go out or do anything hardley ever
and he is like 8 grand in credit card debt that he never has money to pay on (he would say, it doesnt make a difference if he has a job or not, he cant pay on it so what does it matter).
To me and everyone Ive asked, quitting the job was irresponsible, whether or not he thinks he can get another job or not, it still put me in a situation where I had to worrry (he thinks me worrying is wrong). I cant say anything to him about it or he pouts and we have a fight (why are you trying to GUILT me he always says). He hated his job so he thinks he had every right to quit, which he does, but he didnt take into account my feelings.

I dont think he is a bad person Ive just come to realize he is really immature in some ways, and the fact that his parents spoil him and they all spoil the kid really upsets me. I didnt grow up spoiled, I grew up and learned the meaning of hard work because my parents never gave me much, just a small allowance that was never enough and they didnt buy me stuff all the time, so I developed a strong work ethic. To me, its wrong to quit a job without another job lined up. Im not paying a CENT of what he owes, or letting him slide on ANY bills. He better have the money for me in full.

I dont think I could wait til the end of 08 to feel better about things. If things are not better soon Im going to end things. It will be really really sad if that happens but I wont drag out another relationship if I feel its turning toxic. I know just because we love each other it doesnt mean our lives will really neccessarily mesh well. We are very different people.

Thanks for talking it out with me, I really really appreciate it.


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