It really doesn't matter what fruit you eat first. So long as the food is raw and high water content it will be fine to break your fast with. Follow your naturally cravings at the end of your fast for whatever natural foods attract you the most. You can add other raw stuff as your digestion system starts working regularly again, such as raw nuts and then salads. If you want to add processed foods (grains) in earlier then add them in small amounts at first to your salads. This goes for anything else you wish to add to your diet in refeeding later, always eat it with a salad, the raw foods aid the digestion incredibly. Ideally this way of eating, food combining, should be continued after the refeeding period as well, no matter diet you plan to live on.
The important thing during refeeding is to eat as much raw as you can and not too much in quantity, especially when first breaking the fast.