To the disheartened victim who is of poor spirit (sad).
Do not disqualify yourself from being eligible and deserving of anything good. You are a human being made in the likeness of God (you will understand).
Bad things happen to everyone, especially when they're growing up. Children are very vulnerable (especially out in public, the street) in daily life because they are still learning about life in this cold, heartless world. Don't take what happened to you PERSONALLY, this is VERY important in your recovery (which has already begun), you did not deserve this and had no part in causing this, it could have happened to anyone.
Many children, after suffering adversity (bad situations), give back to the world what they got from it (meaning if they are given a life of "hell", they give back to the world "hell" and become a hardened criminal. That is the UNJUST reaction to hardship, but you didn't react unjustly and give back to the world what you got from it (you bore/carried your own cross, not making your problems someone else's). This is uncommon (in fact, it is noble, good character). REALIZE THIS about yourSELF.
You reacted JUSTLY ("toughed it out", became sad/depressed, "of poor spirit"). Now your tears are warmer, you know suffering, you know heartache, and have carried "your own cross". You have developed "rivers of living water" that flowed from Our Lord's side when He was crucified.
I thought that, for YEARS, I SUFFERED, but now I realize that I didn't SUFFER. My conscience had always realized that I didn't deserve to suffer, so I simply ENDURED (this would seem little consolation, but hard times/situations will always come) and now I know 'warm tears of sorrow' compassion. You are now more meaningful (intense, you always were) than you yet understand. Because you were just and carried "your own cross" and always had the warmth to know sorrow/sadness, you have a PRESENT (the future will come) heaven in your heart.
"Blessed are the poor in spirit..."
CONGRATULATIONS and God bless you.