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Re: I quit!

J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine
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Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Electric Mind Views: 3,127
Published: 17 y
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Re: I quit!

Obviously, this is something for the debate forum. Nonetheless, it bears comment.

I can certainly appreciate your frustration at the lack of positive result from your Miracle-Mineral-Supplement protocol. It happens. Jim Humble would probably say "if you're not getting any result then you're not taking enough!" Well, it is also reasonable to say that no one thing works for absolutely everybody. Such is life.

MMS is an oxidizer which (in small doses, as recommended by people like Jim Humble) represents literally no danger to healthy tissue or metabolic functioning. It is a "poison" in these small, recommended doses only to pathogenic/parasitic organisms (which are characteristically anaerobic and acidic by nature). No one says (or should say) that Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is a "cure-all". Different people are going to respond differently to it depending on what they have going on (infection-wise), their inherent toxic load, the condition of their eliminative functions, etc.

It is abundantly clear from the scientific literature--and from the track record of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement users--even those that push the envelope with the stuff---that "dangerous toxicity" is of no real concern for anyone. Herxheimer's reactions---oh yes. A call to Poison Control---not hardly. There are essentially no contraindications...only certain basic precautions.

Sounds like Arthritis and blood pressure are the main issues for you---neither of which is typically primarily pathogenically driven. Pathogenic organisms can have a burdensome effect that limits the effectiveness of the immune system, etc., so sometimes ridding ones-self of a chronic viral infection, say, can help improve things like systemic inflammation which, in turn--wa-la-- improves your arthritic symptoms.

I won't belabor this, but just want to wish you well and encourage you to choose your language more carefully....based on fact and not emotional bias.

No offense taken, by the way. :)



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