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Re: I quit!
sanctuary2 Views: 3,472
Published: 17 y
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Re: I quit!

Let me open this one with a disclaimer. I know nothing about Science (although a lot about Science fiction ;) and I don't know all that much about technical info about diet either. All I know is from experience.

My ex-in-laws are British. They eat nothing but fat, lard and meat. They have the most appalling diet I have ever seen and these guys live forever. My ex-husbands grandmother died at 100, his aunty died at 99.9. His parents are in their late 80's and still going very strong. The whole family has a life expectancy of around 100 years old.

My family are all almost dead. All my grandparents are dead. My mother died at 69. All my aunts and uncles died before 75. The only relative I have left is my dad who a raging alcoholic. My mother was very health conscious. Ate mostly vegetables, low fat, took vitamins, exercised regularly, looked after her spiritual side as well as physical side, and died WAY TOO EARLY!!!!!

My point is, we are all different. Who knows what will work for us as individuals. It's all just trial and error and doing what we feel is best for us.



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