Over a period of about six weeks I built up to 15 drops, twice a day, and have received zero benefits. I don't really consider a reduction in plaque in my teeth a benefit, because I've done the same thing with oil pulling. After three days at my max with nothing to show for it - side effects or anything else, I figure why put poison into my body just because others are receiving "benefits?"
Here's some possible reasons:
I've consumed raw garlic for several years and raw garlic eliminates parasites. Not just those in the gut, but in the blood stream too. I always smile to myself when I see posts on curezone and elsewhere for brutal protocols for parasite cleanses when I know that garlic is just as good as anything concocted by anyone else, and you don't have to bow down to a guru to ingest it. Besides, it's too cheap and too easy and the Internet pimps don't get any laurels from it. Besides the parasite benefits garlic also removes heavy metals from the body. The link is no longer available but several years ago I had a link to an independent scientific (as in scientists) U. K. study which verified this. Garlic also kills prostate cancer in the Petri dish and after a recent PSA reading of 2.6 I ingested large amounts of raw garlic and four weeks later the PSA was down to 1.3.
I've practiced Urine Therapy for over three years with significantly beneficial results - posted elsewhere on curezone. Again there are no gurus or Internet pimps receiving benefits and the cost is even cheaper than garlic.
About two years ago I added the regular ingestion of apple cider vinegar to my diet to assist in my blood sugar readings, but ACV has other benefits as well. I still require no medication of any kind for diabetes and my last A1C reading is in the normal range and I've been diagnosed diabetic Type II for two years.
My diet of the last two years has also been highly modified from its prior structure and I have virtually eliminated grains. All of them. (Yes, I cheat once in a while, but not very often.) It was the advent of agriculture 10,000 years ago that brought on many of the conditions we have today. The Egyptians ate the American Heart Association diet and from examining their mummies we have discovered they had the same plugged arteries then that we do today. They ate whole grains and had no refined sugars. But they would have been welcomed with open arms by any cardiologist of today.
Stress is an unknown factor but I do believe that it is a major contributor to today's ills in our industrialized societies. While some of the underlying factors of a high carbohydrate diet and "toxins" around us may be of significance to disease, it is stress that pulls the triggers. (By the way, 3,000 and 4,000 year old mummies found in the Gobi were found to have shortened lives from inhaling the smoke from fires, and sand in their lungs. The 3,600 year old Ice Man was found to have high levels of arsenic in his system. "Toxins" are nothing new.) I have practiced daily meditations for several years and consider this to be my number one armor against stress. Oh yes, I do experience stress, but nothing like I used to and when I experience it, I have mechanisms to let it go.
Yeah, I'm going to die, or at least let go of this body, but it doesn't worry me in the least. What I am most concerned about is my quality of life while I have this one, and MMS isn't assisting me on that level one iota.
"I once watched a show about a guy with horrible diabetes, hearth problems, skin problems, you name it. The guy was close to death. And then one day one doctor told him to go on the Atkins diet. Can you imagine? That was against we are all told about what healthy is, specially with all his conditions. Long story short: with time the diet cured him of everything. All his lab numbers went o normal after consuming huge amounts of heart clogging pig fat, something he avoided for decades. Who would have thought?...."
The clinic that I visit for my diabetes puts all their patients on an even higher protein diet than Atkins. It's 15 carbohydrates per meal for a total of 45 per day. Atkins induction is 50 per day. (My clinic is internationally recognized and has been researching diabetes since 1923.) There is no restriction on fat. In the two years I've been on that diet my blood sugar has stabilized, my lipid profile has improved dramatically, and I have lost weight and feel much better than before with fewer mood swings. My clinic doesn't give a damn about your heritage or DNA, they treat everyone the same. We were designed much more for an Atkins diet than people realize. (Brain size didn't start increasing until we started eating a lot of animal fat.) It has been the introduction of agriculture and high carbohydrate diets that have caused more health problems than anything else.
Even martinis - which are very low carbohydrate, don't adversely affect my BS levels. For me a bowl of oatmeal is worse than a half gallon of ice cream (I'm not exaggerating in the least bit - I've tested after both). Yes we are each different but there are some treatments that can apply to everyone.
If you think that Atkins is restrictive, go check out the Bernstein Diabetes Solution, written by a Type I who promotes 4 carbohydrates per meal, and many diabetics thrive on it.
This is a forum to post one's experiences with MMS. I posted mine and if you don't like my results, you are entitled to your own opinion. MMS is a poison. If you were unaware of that then you learned something. If not, then you should in no way be offended.
"WRONG. This is a SUPPORT forum, not a DEBATE forum.
MMS is NOT a poison, when used as directed.
I'll ask AGAIN. Why did you take MMS if nothing was wrong?
And I'll ALSO ASK AGAIN, did you check your BP and insulin levels?
Most people get a BP reduction, and my wife has seen good circulation
(I think I smell a rat.)"
You're the one who is debating.
If you look at my history of posts on this forum, I have related my MMS experiences. That's exactly what I did when I made my initial post on this thread.
Initially - around Christmas time, got severe (worst in years) head cold and fever. Required antibiotics because MMS not only started it, but made it worse. (You will also find around that time that many posters were relating very similar experiences while starting MMS. That's not a debate, that's reality and if that can't be posted on this forum then there shouldn't be one.)
Then, after clearing up the sinus problems with antibiotics and a Neti pot, got bad diarrhea with about 6 drops twice a day. So, I quit for a couple of days and then resumed with no effects whatsoever, eventually working up to 15 drops twice a day on Monday. Without seeing any results of any kind from this max effort, it's no use to continue because, whether you like it or not, MMS is a poison and I have no further interest in ingesting poison.
You've now asked twice about BP and insulin levels, and I responded to that. Why are you asking again?
My BP has not come down. If you think that's a lie then come on over and you can check it for yourself. Good for your wife, but I have not seen either circulation improvement nor a reduction in BP. I have claudication (restricted circulation which results in leg cramps) and in the six weeks I used MMS there was no improvement in the claudication cramps whatsoever.
You obviously know very little about diabetes because nobody checks their insulin levels. Diabetics have glucose monitors which check blood glucose levels. I have a monitor (as do all diabetics) and there has been no improvement in my blood glucose levels.
I'm also a long-term cancer survivor - without medical intervention. One of the attractions to me for MMS was that it "cures" cancer, and I'm always on the lookout for anything that attacks cancer. There is nothing I have that can measure for cancer, other than a PSA, and my PSA levels were low before beginning MMS.
If you have difficulty with my experiences with MMS, then don't read them.
I will have MMS on standby in case of any recurrence of cancer, but until then it is of no value to me.
"Simple question: If there's nothing wrong with you, what did you expect MMS to fix?"
Pretty simple. I have arthritis in my hands that restricts
movement. MMS has done nothing to alleviate that in any way - yet there
are others who claim that it has helped. I also have blood pressure in the
high range of normal and it has done nothing to help that. Both of these
things are supposed to be helped with MMS.
"Should probably point out that high blood pressure has no outward
symptoms and you might want to check your blood pressure and insulin levels
before you say "nothing changed.""
I monitor my blood pressure on a daily basis with my own monitor, and my blood glucose on occasion after meals. Neither have improved. Why would I ever say they hadn't improved if I hadn't checked them?