Re: I quit!
I agree with a lot of what you say.
The problem here is that most people are looking for a single solution to all problems. We are all different, our DNAs evolved over billions of years differently, and there is no reason to assume that something that will work for you will work for me. That's why places like this and earthclinic are great, because we can have a clue here, and then there, and start our own healing process/discovery.
I once watched a show about a guy with horrible diabetes, hearth problems, skin problems, you name it. The guy was close to death. And then one day one doctor told him to go on the Atkins diet. Can you imagine? That was against we are all told about what healthy is, specially with all his conditions. Long story short: with time the diet cured him of everything. All his lab numbers went o normal after consuming huge amounts of heart clogging pig fat, something he avoided for decades. Who would have thought?
MMS is not a panacea (even though I have never taken it). Neither is ACV, or VCO, or the Master Cleanse, aids cocktails, or a vegan diet, urine therapy, acupuncture, or whatever. It's about finding what is right for *you*. Our perfect bodies will tell us exactly what works and what doesn't. So pay attention to it! I'm sure you agree.
Did you know that Eskimos eat nothing but animal flesh? Maybe the guy in the example above was an Eskimo descendant :)
I liked your post! Cheers!