Re: I find that my buddies with 20 or so years in the
program do a spiritual quest, in other words, they are often in the conversation of higher power
They do not take credit for their sobriety, they give full credit to the higher power and Abraham would not be alignment with the program "powerless" to:
Not just alcohol, but actaully letting go of outcomes, desires and working a good program by redoing the steps often, also each time step meetings review the steps the longer soberiety has been, the longer working of a good program (( sponsoring, going to meeting, sharing etc) the different layers of spirituality began to unfold
It is not for them to take credit for the higher pwoer, that's the thinking that got them where they were in the first place.
All I know are extemely bright and creative, and that powerful tool -the mind- will be very cunning and perhaps present itself as source, just to replay some of the old tapes that were disasterous in the past.
It's a different ball game that just feeling good
a couple of VO's and seven can feel good
It is an addiction that cost lives