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Re: IF Ron Paul cannot produce a miracle soon I fear.....
Healme Views: 2,131
Published: 17 y
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Re: IF Ron Paul cannot produce a miracle soon I fear.....

The Point I am trying to make is its Romney or McCain. McCain has lied and lied. Yeah Romney changed his mind. McCain will never change his mind he is 71 years old and stuck in his ways and no matter how he says he will cut taxes and take care of illegals immigration is all a lie, he is not going to change he just wants to win and sorry to say it looks like everyone is going to help him. He wouldn't even have the momentum he has now if everyone would quit endorsing him. His message is not all that good its the same stuff over and over and most of it is lies if you look at his voting record you will see he isn't honest. A patriot which is the only thing good there and How can someone be a good patriot if they can only protect other peoples borders but not our own. THat is what kills me the most about McCain thats not a good AMerican to me no matter how patriot he says he is, its flawed. I appreciate his service to the Country but he thinks we should send more troops to Iraq and well this war will never end under McCain but only get dug deeper, just a leave off of what we have had so far. THat sad MY FRIENDS!!!!


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