Re: Romney? He is just one (or two) of the faces of the same candidate
Maybe part of the plan is to make us all lose hope and throw in the towel at this point in the game?
It's not over 'till it's over. Guliani has stepped down. So has Edwards. Others too. Ron Paul has not. I think we owe him the respect to stand behind him until the very end. And fight until the very end.
As we speak, he is participating in a debate in California, which I am recording. He is still in the arena folks.
What would happen if despite the media, the crooked ballots, and everything else, we didn't give up and kept on fighting ferociously for what is right? Obviously, Ron Paul is still fighting. Are we going to let him stand alone? He needs support, he needs money. Let our motto be, "We are Ron Paul supporters, hear us roar!" Yes, I know a bit corny. I have just become precinct leader for his campaign where I live. I am undergoing some training for canvassing, etc. and what needs to be done, and I am about to become really busy. And I will not stop until he does, no matter what anything looks like. Now.... wouldn't it be interesting if there was a tremendous upset and he won? I would love to say the words, "Well.. well.... well,"
It's just not over until it's over.