Romney? He is just one (or two) of the faces of the same candidate
Ron Paul's task was insurmountable and he knew it from the beginning. We have already far surpassed his wildest dreams. You do not take on the NWO, military industrial complex, controlled media, IRS, CIA, Diebold voting machines, etc. and win. But hopefully you start the seeds of a kind of revolution that will re-take our country.
The powers that control us and our elections and media knew that they had to bury Ron Paul early on. So we have seen an unprecedented co-ordinated media campaign to ignore and trivialize him, and then, when that did not work, they pretty much buried Ron Paul in New Hampshire, where an honest election with paper ballots and no machines could well have given him momentum that would have propelled him to the forefront. Now the chain of custody and missing voting machine chips make it impossible to sort out the misdeeds - at least not until long after it matters.
Who knows what happened in Florida? A recent Ron Paul message quotes two guys who canvassed 13 precincts in Broward County and Ron Paul came in second in all 13 precincts behind McCain, who does appear to be the heir apparent on the GOP side (after "they" spanked him for daring to speak ill of Big Pharma earlier).
Mitt Romney? Pffft - what a two faced flip flopper pretty boy he is. Like George Sr, he will change a conviction in a hearbeat and sell his soul to the devil for a vote. But here is the thing - it does not matter who you support outside of Ron Paul. The rest are all just a different face on the same candidate, pre-approved by the Bilderburg boys. In Romney's case, maybe two faces. They will install whoever they want and we will have little to say about it. Even the illusion of free and democratic elections is gone now that we have the voting machines. And it was really pretty much gone way before they came along.
Mitt! Huckabee! McCain! Hillary! Obama! You folks are so pathetically clueless if you think that any of those people are different from the other. All you will see are cosmetic differences to make it appear that they are different - but the core agenda will be the same.
Better to continue Ron Paul's message, regardless of his chances. That is the only real message of change. The rest is just entertainment for the mindless masses. Your time would be better spent watching reality shows, soap operas or American Idol. Barf!