REmi - Florastor!!
Hi Michelle,
You know what? Now that I have been looking more closely at things, and some things I thought I knew but turned out I was completely wrong about, I am doubting my assessment of a few months ago that Florastor was the culprit in my post-Hawaiian vacation candida flare. You are going to laugh at this one. Do you think it might instead have been the 1-2 daily pina coladas and the 2 cups of coffee in the morning that did it instead? I KNOW!!!!!! What in the world ever made me think I could drink
Sugar and coffee for a week?? I must have had rocks in my head. I honestly had the idea that I was well enough at that time that I could indulge without problems. That made me totally overlook the dietary issues. I guess I so wanted it to be true that the thought that the coffee and pinas were doing it was too hard to look at. I am not sure one way or the other as to what caused the flare, but it seems now that the more logical culprit is not the Florastor. So, what the heck - I am going to give it another try. Will order some and see what happens. I feel pretty stupid right about now! :)
I think part of my probelm now is burn out. After 5 years of this, I am having trouble dedicating mysef to being as strict as I used to be. It is a sparkling place if one can get to it, but it was so much easier to commit the first time around. I have no choice though.
Thanks again for all your contributions here.