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I think America needs to learn how to think
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I think America needs to learn how to think

Since 25% of the US population reads at or below Grade 4 level and a larger proportion are innumerate, (amongst which I am betting you are one) the real problem isn't backbone or toughness, its brain cells.

Which area of the country has the highest proportion people with advanced degrees? Northern california.

We can use educational achievement as at least a rough marker for intelligence.

Now guess which region of the country is the most liberal? Thats right, NorCal.

Contrast that with Mississippi. The least educated, the dumbest, and amongst the most right wing.

Ignorance and stupidity lead to superstition and religiosity, easy pickings for the amoral, lying shitheads who run the Republican party.

If you had ever read a history book, you know, one about the wonderful past of this country, you would find just as little interest in your ideas as now. You would also find a society infinitely more racist, sexist and violent than now.

Cue shouting.



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