if the truth sounds flippant to you, then so be it. not my area of responsibility.
what you stated in your post dances all around the disease and the cure, so you are on the right track. the disease is acid accumulations cause by lack of circulation and poor elimination. the cure is getting everything that is not your human body out of your body. your own clean blood can then correct anything that is wrong. fasting and not recontaminating the body is the cure.
by the time a person reaches the point that they realize they are sick and start taking responsibility for their health, as we have, there is damage done and it takes time, sometimes a lifetime, to correct it all. we got sick one bite at a time over many years. it takes patience and determination to reverse all of that. it is why i like OP. it is a step in the right direction. the drawback with OP is it does nothing to correct the problem. hopefully it will strengthen and encourage and help show what it is that makes us sick - the very stuff we have chosen to put in our bodies. only then can a person decide to change.