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Re: Cancer and Dr William Kelley

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Dquixote1217 Views: 4,237
Published: 17 y
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Re: Cancer and Dr William Kelley

I consider Kelly a pioneer who belongs at the top of a very select group of people who have provided much needed beacons of light away from the dark ages of mainstream cancer treatments - such as Gerson, Hoxsey, Rife, Budwig, etc.

Today his program is still considered one of the very best, although it is one of the hardest to follow rigidly.  No good cancer beating program is easy though, at least not one that gets rid of the cancer and prevents it from ever returning - and the more completely any program that has been successful for others is followed, the greater the odds for success.  I know that is merely stating the obvious, but it amazes me to see how many people want to beat cancer with half-measures and how many only sink to rid themselves of the present tumor, cysts or cancer cell symptoms and then return to the same lifestyle that invited cancer to gain a foothold to begin with.

How can anyone ever justify waging a half hearted battle in a fight that means life or death?  Would it be unfair to lay at least partial blame on allopathic medicine, who in many cases has rendered a death sentence and has warned against the ineffectiveness of alternative protocols?  Given my experience I think not.  I have in fact been kicked out of a handful of forums for cancer victims when I have posted the message that there is hope outside mainstream cut, poison and burn treatments in nature and that people do not have to die just because their oncologist said nothing further could be done for them.

I find it simply maddening whenever I see someone who will not even TRY to beat cancer once mainstream medicine has failed.

If pioneers like Kelly had been given their due, literally millions of lives would be saved and enhanced yearly.




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