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Cancer and Dr William Kelley
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Cancer and Dr William Kelley

by: Dr. William Donald Kelley

Dr. Kelley is director of the College of Metabolic Medicine in Winfield, Kansas. He is a metabolic researcher and creator of four of holistic medicine's most advanced concepts: Non-specific Metabolic Therapy; the Science of Optimum Health; Metabolic Ecology; and Metabolic Typing, hailed as the most important nutritional discovery in the last 150 years by the Price-Pottenger Foundation. Dr. William Kelley graduated from Baylor University, University of Alabama and University of West Virginia in dentistry, orthodontics, chemistry, physiology and nutrition. Dr. Kelly is the author of Cancer: Curing the Incurable.

In 1900, only one in 8,000 people developed cancer. Now the cancer rate has increased to one out of two in men and two out of three in women. Very early in the 1960's I was given two months to live. I had terminal pancreatic cancer with metastases to the liver and everywhere else. Shortly thereafter, my wife Sue and I developed a cancer paradigm, and here I am almost 40 years later to tell you about it. In the 38 years since I cured myself of terminal pancreatic cancer, I have guided some 33,000 cancer victims to health. At least once or twice a week, everywhere I go, people I have treated more than 20 years ago come up to me and say, "Do you remember me? You treated me 25 years ago." You have to do it yourself. You have to take your enzymes. You have to take your supplements. You have to take your coffee enemas. You have to do your liver flushes. You have to make changes in your diet. You will have to get well all by yourself.


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