Dr. Kelly died at about age 73 in 2005, not from cancer. His story of his cure for his own pancreatic cancer is dramatic.
The problems with his methodology are that it is difficult to follow. Yet when one's life is at stake, it's better than the alternative.
A small study of 22 patients (of which 17 had died) is reviewed here: http://www.road-to-health.com/am/publish/article_121.shtml
Group III
Patients who followed the Metabolic program completely
Median survival time 9.0 years
Mean survival time 8.2 years
As described, one extremely ill patient died the day after consulting Dr. Kelley. Otherwise, based on the evaluation of the medical records, the patients in one group were not significantly sicker than those in any other group when first seen by Dr. Kelley.
Dr. Kelley has repeatedly told all cancer patients they should follow the full program for at least several years to regain good health. Nevertheless, the mean survival time for those who followed the Metabolic program only partially, and usually briefly, is 4.8 times greater than the survival time of patients who never began the Metabolic Program.
Finally, the data allows an estimation of Dr. Kelley’s success rate with pancreatic cancer. In this calculation, only those patients who followed the full Metabolic program are considered. This is appropriate: in any controlled clinical trial of a chemotherapeutic drug, subjects who deviate from the protocol must be discounted, even if they do well.
So, Dr, Kelley’s success rate, in this particular series of patients - considering only those who used the full program - is 100%.
If that were a study of allopathic medicine, many alternative practitioners would say that he was a failure because of both the number of deaths and the median survival time. However, you have to stick with the program!
Ofor07 - here's just one point that I was responding to in the original post:
"Dr. Kelley is director of the College of Metabolic Medicine in Winfield, Kansas. He is a metabolic researcher and creator of four of holistic medicine's most advanced concepts: Non-specific Metabolic Therapy......."
That post indicates that Dr. Kelly is alive. He isn't. He's been dead for more than two years. I like to keep things in present time.
I'm a great fan of Dr. Kelly. Have read all about him. Am impressed with the stats that I posted because they all related to pancreatic cancer. If my comment about relating the stats to an allopathic doctor appeared disrespectful, it wasn't at all. I was just pointing out that some in the alternative arena jump all over allopathic medicine when there might be times that it is just reactionary reasoning. I try to walk a line that is right for me in choosing what best fits my condition and I do a load of alternative therapies. However, I believe there are some who carry it too far. If I were to believe some in alternative medicine, I should be swimming in liver flukes because I'm a 15 year cancer survivor without medical intervention.
I am an admirer of Dr. Kelly, that's why I responded to the post to bring it into 2008 and at the same time post some statistics from his work.