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Re: MMS and DMSO
  Views: 3,125
Published: 17 y
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Re: MMS and DMSO

Thanks for the compliments.  I truly am going to try DMSO with MMS.  I was really shocked when I swallowed DMSO by itself a few months ago by how fast and explosive it went into my body - beginning at my tongue, cheeks, gums, and throat - and have been afraid to ingest it since that time.  I have used it topically though with some good results for muscle soreness.

It's probably off-topic, but I'll mention it anyway.  The biggest healing aspect that we have within ourselves is us as spirit.  Not our mind, but our spirit.  We are spirit, we are not our bodies.  Spirit can heal - without medical help and with out alternative help, and I've experienced some of that - and I'm not talking religion, I'm talking self-healing by the spirit we have within ourselves.  Also body and spirit can work together and that's what I see with the vast majority of everyone who is posting here on curezone.  They aren't content to sit and let things happen but are searching for solutions to their own body problems that neither conventional wisdom or body only oriented therapies address.  By working together body and spirit can accomplish a lot.  I myself use conventional medical help for some things, but don't listen to every doctor or don't always follow the advice of those I do listen to.  They are my highly paid body technicians and I've fired many of them, yet found a treasure or two in others while at the same time taking responsibility for my own care and making all final decisions myself.



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