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Re: ongoing cold???

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Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 17 y
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Re: ongoing cold???

" Antibiotics won't clear up "detox."

Clearing up the detox is the immune system's job not Antibiotics .

Antibiotics destroys the immune system.
I personally avoid them at all costs.
I understand and sympathize that when bad painful pathogens get out of control I want help now and I want it gone fast!

If I were you I would be asking myself and my doctor that prescribed antibiotics for a severe cold how can I strengthen my immune system.

In defense of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement let me say:
MMS stimulated your immune system to get up and fight. Just like we ask it too.
And it did! The ongoing cold means your immune system is not strong enough to win. At least not right now.

Antibiotics will not stimulate the immune system.

I can relate. My DD (15) has an ongoing cold from Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . After two weeks @ 3 drops 2X a day she finally got diarrhea. I am lowering her back down to 2 drops. If the nasal conjestion does not stop flowing and the coughing continues I will lower it to one in the next day. She needs to go to school and do some serious homework with very little time to sleep. Sadly she had her immune system down when we lived with some black moldy carpets years back.

How do I know its detox? You mean, besides the fact she just got over 2 other colds this month pre-MMS?

I know because I see it like this:
The only difference between a cold and a detox is that WE consciously start the fight against the invader by employing various alternative methods verses the immune system starting the fight.

I believe...that when the immune system starts the fight we call it a cold. When its losing we call it the flu. When the immune system has lost we call it cancer.

When I do not come down with a cold in over a year that is when I get worried. Last time I did not get a cold in two years I developed a sac of fluid in my neck they called a benign cyst. Colds, detox are good things in my eyes.

Antibiotics destroys the immune system.


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