This forum is awesome! Thank you all! It really helps to just write it all down and get some unbiased input. It is so easy to get caught up in your emotions and confusion. I did a great yoga session today as well, which helped me to be more grounded and clear. When I was younger I used to just follow my emotions without thinking it through and often got myself in trouble. Over the years I have learned to take a step back, question the deeper issues of why I am feeling this way, and not react immediately through confusion, anger or hurtfulness. Not an easy task, but I am growing! I hope I don't loose a friend over this. I know it will take some time and space. At the beginning i felt like the universe provided me with exactly what I needed at the time... beautiful free sex with no strings attached.
And for a few months it was like this, until recently when these emotional needs and attachments came in. So again, the universe is providing me with exactly what I need at this time... to work on myself and to figure out what it is I want exactly when it comes to love and partnership. As the song goes..."you can't always get what you want, you get what you need!"