I destroyed my liver too, dont worry.
I spent years on prescription drugs, bad diet, bad emotional problems.
Did heavy drugs for years, including a year smoking crack cocaine off aluminum foil
sitting in a dirty infested room with three cats that all had off and on cases of
worms. After I got off the cocaine, I drank heavily for a few more years before finally becoming clean about a year ago (besides maybe 4 times I actually drank in 07). Ive yet to touch alcohol in 08, but thats not saying much lol. ;).
Anyways what Im saying, is coming where Ive come from, this stuff has all really helped me(the cleanses). And I came from a pretty yucky place if you cant tell.
Yes I recommend doing a
parasite cleanse. Whether you do it before a
Liver Flush or not, thats up to you. I did a
parasite cleanse first. Some people
Liver Flush first. Looking back, I think its probably better to
Liver Flush first but a lot of people say to
parasite cleanse first so thats what I did. I dont think it matters that much.