For those of you that suffer from Perioral dermatitis have probably been told "no cure", and they don't know where it comes from. I had it for two years. Put everything on it including steroid creams if I had to go out in public. (this damaged my skin even to this day)It was a temporary releif, then the rash came back even worse than before. Someone told me to use teatree oil. For those of you that have cured yours with this I commend you. I tried it for about a week. I thought my face was going to burn off. I thought when my face started to flake away that would be the end of the disease. NOT! So I had on hand some Violet Extract. Stopped putting anything else on my face (this is what they say to do, let the rash surface so what ever your going to use will cure it) The rash surfaced, but not as bad. With in two to three weeks it was gone. That was Dec. 18th three years ago. About a week ago I noticed on the corner of my mouth a pimple like it started the last time appearing on the corner of my mouth. "OMG" I said "It's come back!" I immediately started putting the violet extract on it. That was a week ago and it is gone again, but, I started looking at what I did to start it up. I'm not saying this is for sure, but I grabbed an old old chapstick with SPF 15 out of my draw and put it on. active ingredients are: octinoxate 7.5% oxybenzone 3.5% with petrolatum 40.7%. Could this be it? I don't know, but I didn't use or eat anything different that I haven't been using all along. Go figure. Let me know what you think.