pH, for example, makes you both right
Like actor Martin Sheen on his heart attack high during the filming of "Apocalpyse Now" there seems to be built into a debilitated system a kind of enhancement of sensibilities to insure survival. A person with an acid pH, for example, would tend to be more ennervated and might have an enhanced aura and other heightened sensibilites as they are firing through their nerve tissue. But the point is, it is about as healthy as the high from "cutting."
Freud's influence "psychologized" illness to such an extent that Tuberculosis was once considered to be a psychological disease! The true danger lies in not recognizing that homeostatic balance has been lost. We must not compound the situation by trivializing or jargonizing a delightful effect. It may essentially be a symptom, like Sheen's heart attack, which he rather enjoyed experientially, as he relates yet nonetheless deadly.
Fasting is a purposefully-induced physiological stress that does enhances such "Indigo" sensibilities. Yet Anorexia can neither be freely chosen as a compulsion, nor dismissed as psychological. One possible disease mechanism in Anorexia, which affects females more heavily, is iron deficiency. Iron assimilation is aggravated in all in our B-Vitamin-depleted diet, but menstruating young women are particularly at risk.
A dismissive label might overlook this mechanical, metabolic trap. And while there is magic in metabolism, a "Flatliner" philosophy of dancing with death to enjoy the other-worldly experience, or as the ancients did, enjoy watching one's vision change and narrow after snakebite, is a self-cannibalizing philosophy to which we must not sacrifice our children. Clean air, water and food is still job one. Let's make sure we're not creating "Indigo Children" with mercury in vaccines, even though the Bible says in the latter days, the Holy Spirit will be poured out on children...and old people, which I hereby dub "Indigo Gaffers." Blessings!