Re: My 16 yr old has been called out!
oh hai.
happy new years.
boys will be boys and boys just don't talk things out lol.
interestingly enough,I have considered fighting some of my past..
umm..troublemakers one on one in the next few weeks.just to settle the score.
I know it seems childish and down right brutish and stupid//
but some things are just meant to be handled with fists and not words.
it's more about respect then anything else.
you won't like the result either way but when it comes to some
situations..violence may be the only answer...
nothing is more humbling nor making you feel more human then kicking some ass or getting your ass handed to you..
the best you can do is hope for a clean fight and there are no weapons.
you should be counting your blessings..fist fights nowadays?! and one on one?!
I have been in shoot outs in the past and group fights including everything from metal bars,stools and even a car antenna..
a one on one bare knuckle brawl is a thing of the past lol...