my mother was diabetic. when her blood Sugar got too high she had the same symptoms. i even had one episode last thanksgiving. i started sweating, then the tingling, then the intense urge to void my bowels,then the deafening ring in my ears, then i woke up on the floor. i felt sooo mouth smelled like pure alcohol. everyone thought i was drunk due to my breath and actions even though i do not drink alcohol.the voiding large amounts is him going into shock, the blood is going away from his intestines and to more vital organs. a glucose tolerance test is definitely needed. he may not wake up next time. i dont mean to sound insensitive. i grew up with a diabetic mother and had to call 911 about 10 times a year when her blood Sugar was high. he would need orange juice to bring his blood Sugar up. if he is on medications, could this mess with his ability to use glucose correctly?