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Re: no more for me..
rygar. Views: 1,721
Published: 18 y
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Re: no more for me..

there are these two girls that I am horribly attracted to and interested in,my attention wanders between the both on them depending on the days.

I agree though..I hate dating in the workplace normally because you see eachother..EVERYDAY.I don't like seeing the person I am seeing//EVERYDAY..i get sick of seeing people and it looses it's spark after a while..they are just another face,no matter how pretty lol.

I also am one of those love/hate people..I love and hate at the same time,I can't have one without the other or else we end up just as friends.The ones I become attached to the most,we end up having the most conflicts in the beginning..partially to blame is my natural abrasiveness and attitude problem lol.But in general,the girls I am 'nice' to..we end up as friends,the ones I am myself with in all of my assholiness (hey a new word!)i end up being the tightest with..go figure,I thoght it would be the opposite but without tension? how much fun would it be??


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