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Just ordered a Humaworm
secludedvanity Views: 2,062
Published: 18 y

Just ordered a Humaworm

Alright after much reading and internet browsing..I decided today to order a parasite cleanse, as well as colon cleanse. For years I have suffered with various symptoms..all of which I have seen posted from other members, or on the various websites I have browsed. Gas and Bloating, mucus in stools, abdominal pain, excessive early bowel movements, weakness, lethargy, allergies, itchy anus, itchy skin, crawling sensation under the skin, swelling, depression, restlessness, mood swings, insomnia, drooling while asleep, weight gain, uncontrollable hunger eating and still not feeling full, inability to lose weight..the list could go on. I have seen the doctor several times over the past few years, the doctor keeps telling me its viral, I have had the parasite test from the doctor and it was negative. (like most I hear of) I am going with Humaworm. It seems like the best choice for me. What should I expect with this? Is it true that the dead and or dying ones can literally come out of any orifice of the body?


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