When we talk whether or not Jesus or anyone else is God we are talking about levels of consciousness. Jesus, was, IS the Son, just as any one of us is God's son or daughter, an extension of God. Remember, without Him was not anything made that was made, Everything is drawn out of God's own Being and Substance. The difference between us and Jesus is that he had reached such a high degree of consciousness that he knew that he was One with the Allness of God. He knew b/c he had experienced the Allness of God, and he could access God's power. How did he experience oneness with God? Jesus was a mystic, and there are many ways to raise your consciousness to know God. Problem is, most people are actually afraid of God, and do not feel they are worthy of this experience and they also have a graven image of God. Any mental image of God is a graven image, and one cannot experience the Allness of God when you have these limiting images in your mind. Jesus came to show us that we too can be one with the Father and do the works that he did. Did he not say "Greater works than I will you do"? And the kingdom of God is within You?