Hi all,
I am wondering who has done a parasite cleanse and ended up with no parasites. This is a serious situation with me. Have been on the Barefoots and Clarks de-wormer for over 2 months and things seem to be getting worse. Ihave passed over 3 quarts of liver flukes. It seems outrageous because I can't figure out where I have been keeping them only that I came on CZ over 2 months ago wiwth extreme liver pain and no energy whatsoever.
I haven't tried Humaworm. Have been doing high grade essential oils that are antiparasitic in addition to the other stuff and now am doing the Clark mop-up program. Things really aren't going that well. I went half deaf in one ear today from the "crawlers" in my head. I think I have just been infested for longer than I want to think about. So if anyone has any input on complete success, I really need to hear it. Thanks in advance.