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Re: I'm in tears...I need some advice. Please help

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

hopinso Views: 2,267
Published: 18 y
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Re: I'm in tears...I need some advice. Please help

Fresh lemon juice is one of the best kidney cleansers there is. The toxins may cause some stress on your kidney while you are actively detoxing, but you were also doing something very good for it.

I suggest you drink the fresh juice of one lemon in a cup of hot, not boiling, distilled water every morning. This will help stimulate the colon, cleanse the liver and the kidneys. Later in the day you should also enjoy a glass of lemon water. You can even lightly sweeten this so you can have a lemonade. If you can deal with it, a drop or two (or more to taste) of cayenne tincture will help rev up your circulation.

I am glad things are returning to normal. The high protein foods after fasting was probably the culprit in getting blocked up. Some people do have a bad reaction to the Senna based tea and have a lazy bowel for a few days. This tends to be more common the longer you fast.

Don't let the negative posts discourage you from the Master Cleanse. It is one of the best and safest ways to cleanse the body. I would like to add something to Pepe's suggestion about apple juice. Look for natural cider or juice with a cloudy appearance. This pulp adds gentle fiber and pectin, both are wonderful for cleansing and healing the bowel. Start with the cloudy juice before you try and add commercial fibers.

Good luck, and I hope you keep improving. I did not answer earlier because I was afraid the thread was going to get ugly with negative comments about the MC. Still, I hope this helps you a little. Congratulations on doing this, just count your mistakes as learning experiences and keep going.


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