Re: ~Stridar~
Muchos gracia mi amigo Senorita!
All I can say is they wanted to take my gallbladder out,charge me minimal 14,000 bucks then treat me for the side effects the rest of my life because this operation doensnt include dealing with the reasons my gallbladder was not functioning properly in the first place!
So 14 grand plus a lifetime of treatment would have had me in the poor house,so with me it was a matter of the wrong procedure then a prescription of one kind of drug or other for the rest of my life!
For you it was the wrong prescription then the disastrous outcome, which Im sure they denied any responsibilty for, then acted like they saved your life when they caused the problems in the first place!
This is what I mean about thier moral and ethical void and the lack of accountabilty for the harm they cause!
I love cayenne ! "Hot chile peppers in the blistering sun"