You make some good points. I believe with the sodium issue you prolly meant to say that it would affect folks with "high blood pressure as sodium causes spikes in the BP.
One way to avoid all the misconceptions of how prepared/processed foods are labeled is to just simply avoid them as much as possible cause not only is the labeling deceptive, in addition to all the crap contained in them the nutritional value in these prepared food is also very low or non existent so one should strive to eat mostly or exclusively eat only fresh foods if one want to see the quickest results and changes in overall health,
I just read an article recently about the huge reduction of nutritional content in our veggies from soil mineral depletion etc. While to a lesser degree even organic veggies are affected depending on how conciencious the growers are about crop rotation and replenishing the soil. This makes it quite difficult to maintain optimum health even if we eat just fresh foods. A way around this is juicing veggies in addition to regular whole food consumption. The body has to turn everything into juice in order to digest foods.Thus when one juices veggies most of the digestion has already been done allowing the system to readily absorb a muuuuuch higher percentage the available nutrients.
I know green smoothies are the rage now but in all my years or reading and research in any liquid nutritional regimen the golden rule has always been to "never mix fruits and vegetables" in juice as they digest at a different rates and in liquid form they will ferment in the system and cause bloating and gas and other complications that will impead the efficient absorption of the nutrients.
For anyone concerned with weight I would encourage folks to not focus at all on calories and fat content but on balance and food combining and I firmly believe that adding fresh made juices to anyones diet is the biggest single thing anyone can do for their total health goals.
Not all fat is bad across the board. Healthy fats are one of the most overlooked issues in any healthy diet and essential not only to optimal health but a crucial part to anyone concerned with weight loss. It traditional Indian cuisine they use Ghee (clarified butter) which is much healthier than any of the saturated and hydrogenated fasts used in western cooking so looking at the fat content of Indian food as some sort of measure can be quite deceptive.
Healthy fats (essential fatty acids-EFA) in particular in raw or vegetarian regimens is not only very commonly overlooked but also not easy to include in the diet without supplementation. This is also true in general on any nutritional regimen so I would encourage anyone to get a good quality oil or blends as in Udo's choice that contain a balance of Omege 3 & 6. My personal fave is Hemp oil. I like both the flavor and that it contains the same ratio of Omega3:Omega6 needed by the human body.
Last but not least what is not being emphasized in all this is the PRIME importance of regular exercise. If one wants to see the quickest results or just optimal health in general I strongly believe that resistance or weight training exercise must be included in any REGULAR exercise regimen.