Anyone that is knowledgable about fasting knows that toxins accumulate in fat and since the main purpose of fasting is to cleanse toxins from the system fat loss is a "by product" of fasting and not it's intended purpose.
Quick weight loss from only fasting and not accompanied by rebuilding periods of planned comprehensive quality nutrition and exercise will result in very loose skin which possibly could give the appearance of the reduced cellulite, but I could be wrong.
From the FAQs:
"The primary focus of anysuccessfulweight loss program is and will always be quality, balanced nutrition and regular exercise. Rapid weight loss is neither healthy nor permanent. It takes the system 6 to 8 weeks (longer without exercising) to normalize the metabolism after any fast. Prolonged fasting without resting and including exercise and sound nutritional program for the rebuilding process may cause permanent damage to the metabolism and cause all kinds of possible problems from nutritional deficiency."