Re: confused
Sorry but I don't think there is much in common between our stories. I've been with Erik and lived with Erik for almost 8 years and we have a child together, while you've been with your bf for 6 months. Uncomparable. Before Erik I had a relationship that with on and offs lasted 10 years, while what you know about love is still very theorical.
Besides, I'm glad to say that i've gone quite a long way, and that is because I am very strong. Always been. I left many people and many places behind, and many me's that I was ready to let go of. Working hard doesn't scare someone strong, so this has never been a problem. But I only do what i believe in, and in this i'm very disciplined. That you understand it or not, I'm confused on how much i still believe in my relation with Erik. I'm not scared of obeying to change. Life is change, and life is the only thing I can totally trust, if a relation is not vital any more I won't get buried with it. Having a child also helps to be even more disciplined, you meet yourself thanks to him with a trythfulness unbelievable before.
Sorry if my reply sound hard to you. I don't mean to be looking down at you or something, it's just that your post sounded a bit of a lecture on cliches.