Re: First Timer - Hope People Here Can Help Me
You were absolutely right to say no to the naturopath! Unfortunately there are a lot of practitioners out there who don't have any idea of the dangers of high dose chelating protocols.
> Does anybody here have any advice on what I should do first. Should I do a parasite/bowel cleanse first? Should I do
Liver Flushes first?
First get a hair analysis test eg with DDI (
It's probably not really a good idea to start chelating if you are *very* constipated. Do things like extra fibre, lots of (warm) water, probiotics, help at all? Lack of magnesium, potassium and oils in the diet will also contribute to constipation. Just chewing food thoroughly will help loads. You could also try things like fermented foods eg kefir to help with digestion.
I don't really know if it's essential to do a
parasite cleanse first, but I doubt it. Chelation may help with that anyway. Thing like garlic, turmeric are both cheap anti-parasitics. MOre important to do general bowel cleansing. If you can't afford any more colonics, get yourself an enema kit and do them at home.
Andy Cutler recommends not doing liver flushes. However, there are people here who have done liver flushes. I've only done 1 myself. I think it's more important to take liver support eg milk thistle. There are some excellent liver supplements around like Liv 52, Eclipta Alba, Bupleurum Plus, Livatone Plus, artichoke.
For adrenals and thyroid, if you're not taking anything for them already, try glandulars and/or herbs like ashwagandha, gota kola for adrenals. Coconut oil is also good for thyroid.
The hair analysis test will give info about which minerals you need to supplement with.
There is information in Andy's book about an alternatives to Klonipin which is GABA......a supplement used for anxiety, mania, agitation. Gota kola (a herb) is also good for anxiety and also magnesium and B vitamins. Try
Epsom Salt baths (magnesium sulphate)....good for relaxation and detoxification.
> Should I even take DMSA or just take ALA?
It's not absolutely essential to take DMSA, as ALA is the main chelator to clear the nervous system and organs of mercury. DMSA (like DMPS) are used to support ALA and lessen the side effects which some people find helpful. Others can't tolerate DMSA.
Also best to start on a lower dose than Andy recommends just in case you're particularly sensitive so something like 10-15mg of ALA and/or DMSA/DMPS.
> Is the Cutler protocol something you can do without the supervision of a doctor?
It would be very difficult to find a doctor who could guide you through chelation. Most people do it on their own with the support of people online like this group or the yahoo groups....
Andy sometimes answers questions, mostly at the latter group and has done here in this forum in the past.
You could ask at these groups about docs in your area who may have knowledge. I know there's a nurse in Seattle if you could get up there (apparently she only needs to see people once and then corresponds by phone after that). She's very familiar with Andy's protocol and he recommends her....
> P.S. In the past, I've used chlorella, anti-candida diet and herbs, garlic,
parasite dry herbs,
Don't use chlorella. It's not a safe chelator. Yes good to follow an anti-candida diet. Garlic can be a problem if you're sulphur sensitive, though great for gut problems if you're not.
For MCS, antioxidants can help (which you will need to take anyway to support chelation) like vit A (in cod liver oil...Nordic Naturals is one of the best, vitamin E, C.
Anyway read as much of Andy's book as you can first,