well since my experience with the mirena was just awful, all i can tell you is to listen to your body, you know the way you should feel and the way your skin looks right now. doctors unforntunately will only tell you what they were taught or what they want you to hear. unless you have a really good doctor, one who has compassion and just really cares about his/her patients and on top of that isn't a mister know it all b/c i'm a doctor, then you will not hear the truth from them. if you start to see any unusual signs, more than likely they will get worse, i speak from personal experience. i was asked to wait, it'll get better, but no, it didn't, only worse. if i could go back in time, i never would have gotten the mirena a iud. and i know that i don't speak for just myself. please just listen what we say and listen you your body and do what you know you should do if things get bad. hopefully you won't have any problems, also you know you can go on awhile w/o any signs and then boom they hit you. just be careful. good luck. and please keep us posted.