HEY AGAIN KETCHUP.......Your still not selling your case 100%. (a) the amount of vitamin or mineral content you receive even from the freshest vegetables is VERY, VERY VARIBLE! Many studies have revealed our food supply is very deficient. And if your taking capsule form or liquid vitamins that mix with real food your eating....(your saying)....the body takes the vitamins OUT of the food..BUT not out of the vitamins sitting ON TOP of the food. HUH?? Thats doesn't follow logic.....TRUE....Hard tablet, low quality vitamins may have poor absorbtion. But HIGH quality vitamins DO have high absorbtion. (b) MILLIONS of folks take supplements.......everybody's just wastng their money?No way....(c) IF my conclusions are correct.....the HIGHER the % of vitamin/ mineral you intake....the MORE thats avaliable to your body.....Sorry Ketchup....I still don't think your correct......but each to his own........CHEERS.