18 y
Re: Take a few moments to consider a few things...
You're way out of line. I don't make, sell, offer to sell or even contemplate selling anything to anyone - ever.
I don't need to, nor would I ever want to.
I am not now, nor have I ever been a party to, or acted solely, in any activity concerning any
Iodine product, or any other supplement, etc., nor will I ever.
I only come to share information, posting links to websites - many of MD's, and I share my personal opinions. I've learned alot over the past few months and am enriched by it.
I have never received nor asked for money, or any other form of compensation from anyone. Except you now seem to be voluntariliy providing tons of negative writings, as compensation.
Why don't you just bug off !!! What did I ever do to you ?
You can dream up all the nonsense you want in your head, but it doesn't change, or match the fact pattern.