Have been really listening on a different level to the Secret CD's. On disc 4, I acknowledged that there is absolutely NO LIEBENSTRAUM for anything but thankfulness (remembering that Bible verse that states to 'give thanks for everything').
"I have enjoyed 'thanking' some wholesome things, and 'blessing' certain others, without the 'proof' of improvement I often seem to require" Fledgling
Yes...giving thanks for EVERYTHING (perceived) WHOLESOME, and BLESSING that which we perceive as NOT wholesome.
Getting to the level of quantum physics, could it be that we ourselves dictate thru our observation of something as being 'negative' that we actually make it so? What would happen if we perceived (via thought) EVERYTHING as being a good thing? Is that even possible in this dimension?
Maybe Martha Stewart had it all along: "It's a good thing"!