That's how my thinking has been going.
One on-going incident in my life...
...I was fed vegetables for breakfast, when I was a child. I remember how I felt like an 'outsider' when a school chum said, "You eat peas for breakfast?!!!"
(Actually it wasn't often peas...more like vegetable marrow...but I certainly did not want to mention that fact when the person was so amazed. This was before the days of television when we were told what was 'normal'.)
From that moment on I kept very quiet about what I liked to eat!
Fifteen or more years later we were at a banquet where we were served a vegetable plate instead of steak or chicken, at our request...dh had accepted my preferences.
A slightly tiddly friend at our large table stood up and said, "You don't smoke, drink, and there are no babies in your family...what DO you do?"
I'd gladly have been made of Jello and melted to the floor.
We get these notions from our families and other significant people in our lives, and accept them as 'normal', or acceptable personal preferences.
Some forty years later I see many who eat vegetarian to some degree or another...and talk about it openly.
Can you imagine how I feel now? I figure I was just ahead of the crowd during my years of embarrassment...and that it really doesn't matter, in any case, unless I think it does.
When I post some idea or theory that seems important to me, online, I do look to see how many have read it, and for any responses...but not for confirmation, at least, not any more.
I've learned that we all can only do things the way we see them...and that all individual perceptions are built on a complex foundation of lifestyle choices we may not have even heard of.
We use courtesy to bridge between our differences...and we wait to see how the world changes, and what experiences open our vision to new-to-us ideas.
Currently, I have been looking at exactly what keeps us 'stuck' in any particular mind-set. A sore toe, for example, demands our attention very effectively.
'Cured' over time, and by not stubbing it again, it seems easily forgotten, but we may have a tendency to avoid going near a certain piece of furniture, or even moving it a bit.
We could even develop a fixation or compulsion about that type of furniture...and stubbing toes in general...and wonder why we seem destined to stub ourselves at least once per week.
Or...we could simply note, to ourselves, that we will avoid injury to our toes, period. Our sub-conscious minds are then charged with the responsibily to guide us, automatically, away from obstructions, and maybe into slippers.
We have this capability. It is in-born, whether we have seen examples of it or not...whether we understand anything about the flow of energy or not.
It is the same with much more complex 'constrictions' in our energy flow, I believe...the ones that allow and keep us 'ill' in some repetitive way.
All we need to do is to free our minds of whatever 'constriction', or memory, is keeping us at the point of 'illness', and the ailment disappears...as I see it.
The hard part is in believing that a change in the flow of energy can do this...and accepting that figuring out 'how' is an inborn capability...one we don't have to consciously understand.
Our bodies, spirits, already know 'how'...I believe.
I really like your alternative to our usual mindsets, "...I was responsibe for the change, I can replicate the same, I have as much power and wisdom as any another," Maya.
Beautiful, and exactly true, in my opinion.
Perhaps it would be useful for each of us to design an uplifting statement like this to repeat a few times to ourselves.
A friend said to me, more than four decades ago, "There is always a way."
She was referring to a solution of a particular problem, of course, but I took it for my life's motto.
Unfortunately, I also thought that I had to 'figure out' the exactly right 'how', in every instance.
Now I think that is not so.
Now I think it is better to just 'seed' my preferences into the universe, in the happiest, broadest terms possible, and let energy figure out the way.
It is energy that has brought everything that happens/happened into my life, in any case...freeing myself from restrictions/limitations, whatever their source, can only help.
Even if I am unsuccessful, to any degree, I will still benefit somewhat.
I could say to myself that I need to be standing on my head in the corner, in order for this to 'work'...but that would only create another restriction/limitation to my quest.
Better, I think, to say my chosen statement whenever, wherever, seems like a good idea at the time.
That statement would then automatically lift me out of habits.
The only drawback might then be feeling too 'high' about improvements, since I may not be very used to feeling 'well'.
It would be best to have a certain amount of calmness to manage unusual feelings. A little silence on the subject might be useful, too.
People will feel the change for the better about an improving person, in any case...and it's catching...by osmosis.
Just as a smile ripples outward (and inward), the very thought of goodwill improves the universe...harmony is promoted...I am sure.
Thanks for the opportunity to say these things.
My best,
P.S. I thought the person who demonstrated changing a poor food substance into a better one, simply had more 'practice' than I.
Probably this was true, but 'practice' had no influence on my ability to accomplish the same phenomenon...instantly I accepted the possibility. Believing in the capability was just another instance of putting a restriction on myself, very much like believing I needed to stand on my head in the corner.
The mind is tricky, isn't it?