Re: please allow me to vent
If you are bloated and have a lot of gas, then helping to improve digestion and getting more good bacteria to colonize your bowels would be very helpful. Of course in my case, it seems
Iodine is stirring the pot ( pun intended..but is kinda funny)and I've been backed-up and didn't realize it until recently. That's when I started the mega doses of magnesium and vit-c. It's helping a lot, for good bms, cleansing bms in the morning, solid softer ones during the day.
I'm going to buy a probiotic that is strong enough, and has enough good bacteria to help with that issue. The Mt. High yogurt is good, but it's not strong enough I think at this point. It may get over-whelmed by the bad? It's a guess..but I know when I'm releasing toxins by now, and I am!
I like enemas, and I like
colonics too. You might try either or both. Be sure to take a good probiotic at the same time though.
It's normal to have those ups and downs..go with the flow and rest when you feel like it if you are able to, and know you are on a healing pathway..just takes steps to get to those awesome life changing junctures!