I cured my eczema through cleansing...
I have had eczema since I was born...3 years ago I started serious cleansing because I was tired of my skin and many other symptoms...I started with colon cleansing and have tried MANY but find
Oxypowder to be the best. It flushes your system with oxygen and magnesium and kills the bad stuff but helps any good bacteria you have in your system to flourish as they are aerobic. After reading
Hulda Clark s book "
The Cure For All Diseases " I was disgusted and scared of the thought that I may have parasites. She says that eczema is caused by the roundworm. I have had pets all my life so I considered this a possibilty. Very nervously I started taking anti
parasite herbs along with colon cleansing and started passing roundworms. I was disgusted but happy that I was getting them out (they were dead so don't worry). Anyhow, I have continued cleansing off and on for 3 years and can now say I have the softest and eczema free skin! I have not done any
parasite cleansing for 2 years now as I have not had the need to. However, in the last year I have added
Liver Flushing to the protocol and my health just gets better. Check out
Andreas Moritz 's site:
I have several of his books and I really believe he knows his stuff. A congested liver will also cause skin problems. I am still flushing my liver and I can tell when I need to flush again as my skin starts to feel a little dry. tI clears up as soon as I flush. I wish you the best and I hope I could be of some help...:)