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Re: Neem works
I got my neem oil from an outlet in Australia, called 'Happy High Herbs'.
I also found several vendors on eBay, with some good prices.
Regarding 'Clarkia', I found it to be a bit weak (and I think MH from the Barefoot herbalist has complained of this), whereas Humaworm was consistently effective, even well after the cleanse was over.
Also, the
parasite cleansing is a 'two steps forward, one step back' type of thing, and I do think it's important to have a break, if only to regain sanity before the next assault! If some critters get lucky during this break, so be it - that's life.
After a short rest, your energies will be strong again and you can launch another attack..
Anyway, this is how I've come to see it.
But neem is great, and is so very cheap!
My 50ml bottle of E.V. neem oil cost $16aud and I still have over half of that left for the next time.
It tastes awful though, and not everyone will be able to get it down.