Neem works
Neem works very well.
After completing a very successful Humaworm cycle, I chose to continue the assault on parasites, believing that a long-standing infestation (which I evidently had..) should be hit hard, and from different angles where possible (ideally utilizing different herbal constituents to avoid possible '
parasite resistance').
During the last 2-3 weeks, taking approx. 0.4ml of neem oil shaken (not stirred) in water, twice daily, I've witnessed a remarkable array of wildlife expelled, dead, in my toilet bowl.
The display has included much web-like matrix adhering to and within stool, and many (over a hundred) thread-like strands, again resembling thick spider-web lengths. These were usually about 5cm long.
Also, I've seen a 15cm worm (this morning!) and over 3 completely white, 1-1.5
inch flat worms that look like small tapeworms. They were like white tape and I believe they are
Tapeworms - totally white, ribbon-like and really flat. Preceding their eviction, I typically felt restless and irritable.
Interesting that one herb, highly esteemed in India, is so powerful on its own as an anthelmintic agent.
I found that a dosage exceeding .4ml twice daily, resulted in migraines.
The 'die-off' was so bad yesterday that I thought I would have to stop. There was agitation, anxiety attacks, mad brain-fog levels etc, and I don't know how I got through the day.
After this morning's toilet extravaganza, I see why the 'die-off' was so great... a legion of suckers fighting for survival, dying and leaving me feeling like a train wreck!!
The neem oil I am taking is extra-virgin oil and I mix 10ml into 100ml water. I shake it and use this as a concentrate.
Enjoy the wormfest one and all!!!