Re: Breakfast ideas? Giving up ALL grains, need some help pls
Stannard, hey, good to see you! Yeah, I don't know how well I will do as I already weigh 105 lbs and w/o my alternative grain waffles (I make) that will most likely drop, but if I can do it for even awhile and see if it helps, I'll try. Definitely NOT for the long run. Last time I tried, I do not tolerate legumes, may be time to try again.
I too am getting better, at least now when I have a flare up, it is for a day or two and not as severe. Unraveling the underlying issues, i.e. leaky gut, parasites, stressed liver, has been key for me.
Glad to hear you are able to do a bit of fruit. When I walk through the produce section of the grocery store, those apples smell SOOO good : )
With Thanksgiving coming I plan on cheating a bit and have some of Mom's apple pie, it's worth it!