Re: Getting rid of the tough parasites!
Hi Julie
The ones you'd wondered about that looked like an eraser, most likely were fluke. I've gotten several that I don't know for sure what they are either, but they were like you said, segmented worms- but balls, then like a thread in between. I just got another one this morning, and had several yesterday morning. I got one big one that looked like that when I took the first megadose of Barefoot's wormer. The paper he had sent with the wormer said that
Hulda Clark 's recommendation was to use 4 tsps of wormer, wait and hour and use 4 more tsps. A couple of hours after I did that, I got the cramping, and kicking, and rolling stomach. I knew I was killing something in there that was dieing hard. I don't think it was the next day, I think it may have been the day after that even that I expelled it. I'm sure it was some type of tape worm from the way it kicked and rolled and punched me inside, and the cramps I had with it.
I do think the
Hulda Clark clean up is working. She says the ozonated oil penetrates their tough skin, and the L-Cysteine helps to clean out all the toxins etc.
It's tiring seeing them almost daily, but it's also astounding at what I now know has been living inside of me, and I'm sure it's been for years and years.
On the blood tests the Alt. Med Dr. did when I first started on this, to rule out anything medically, my cholestrol was elevated and my heart fibrinogen was out of the norm. My liver was so plugged up at that time (with flukes I didn't know I had) that I am just sure that when I have more follow up tests that all of that is also going to be in the norm just from getting rid of parasites. I've also been doing liver flushes. The flukes plug off the bile ducts, and some of the stones I've gotten in the last flushes were 1 to 2 inches, brown, clay,
liver stones that they say form when bile ducts are plugged.
They had also done an ultra sound when I first started this, and they said they couldn't see anything "just some fatty liver" husband and I are sure that the fatty liver they thought they saw, was flukes.
It amazes me that Dr.'s can't, or won't find this stuff, and it's so common- everyone has parasites- but how many have them turn into serious ailments that the Dr's can then decide they are going to medicate, or operate on? Or people just come away from the Dr's offices like I did, being told there was nothing wrong with them and they could be put on anti-depressants. We think it's 3rd world countries that have the
parasite much healthier, and how much less money would be spent on health issues if everyone just dewormed, including kids?
Glad to hear your story, and I'm glad to hear you feel that you are getting a handle on them. I agree, it's something to keep hammering at for the rest of our that we know!