Re: A place to live
Listen - nobody knows everything and there are diiferent strokes for different folks - also want to say that not every family is helpful. I never got one iota of assistance from my family. I was abused and neglected by them from day one. On the other hand I owe my life over and over to wonderful and loving friends I have known over the last 45 years since I walked away fronm the family. I have also run into some real doozies who were unkind and nasty. I do not think there is just one answer. The people you attract in your life after childhood are also family to someone and if they are bad people they will be bad to family as well as friends. Don't just trust anyone - make them prove their worth to you. There ARE a lot of predators out there. But there are more kind and loving poeple. Most people tend to be good evenif misguided and you can appeal to their best nature by allowing your own best nature to shine forth. Like attracts like.
I say follow your heart - I would love to go to New Zealand - if I could get citizenship I might just do it. You are young and I hope, strong. Keep your spiritual life strong - pray - meditate - whatever suits you but I suggest to stay away from organised religions they are just propaganda mills. Insight meditatation is non dogmatic but it is a great way to go - I say that because it is my choice but their are plenty of others - it has been proven noe that meditation increases ones brain power and it teaches enormously helpful skills - you can always find that sort of loving support group wherever you go. It is great to go have adventures epecially when you are young.
Of course eat a good healthy diet made of real food. take care of your body, mind spirit and soul and don't take drugs.
Bon Voyage!... if you decide. If your family is not abusive - always stay in touch - I always longed for a family all my life but I did not have a supportive one - a difference of opinion on diet is not a good reason to cut them off.
My 2 cents