Re: Isn't that a hoot?!
"...I think you have to judge what level people are at and tell them that."
Amen, Matrixv!
And, for those who are not ready to They may pick it up by 'osmosis', or discover what they need from some other source.
I used to feel awful, fearful, and frustrated, with people I care about when they so obviously needed what I could share, and wouldn't listen.
Then it dawned on me what was wrong with that scenario.
Number 1, that's my MOTHER's life-long one listens to her. (Read '...No one does what she tells them'.)
The reason? She never, yet, has figured out how to deliver the message!
My husband says that I can tell people to go to the hot place in such a way as they enjoy the trip.
Still, there I was, feeling really bad that no one seemed to take my discoveries seriously.
Slowly, experiment by experiment, I've learned more about delivering the message in the way people will hear.
Sometimes warm silence says it best of all. Sometimes a friendly question opens the door. Most of all, real warmth, unconditional support, and affection do the trick...even if the point is not made, verbally.
We never know what people will understand, when, or how, or if. But when they do, and they share with us...because they know we are open and is heavenly.
People are 100% different than even a decade ago, and in an accepting direction. You and I couldn't, wouldn't talk to each other, publicly, like this, 10 years ago.
Isn't the difference amazing?!